
Take a look at our three areas of work: Transformation, Workshop, Academy.


Every organization is in a state of continuous development. Yet, new challenges can often only be solved with a new approach. Employees and teams know the needs and challenges at best, and this forms the foundation for a sustainable transformation from within.

Change and desired features

We accompany transformation processes sustainably.

Leitbildentwicklung & Strategie
Transformation & Organisationsentwicklung
Neue Arbeit & Innovationskultur
Agile processes & customer journeys
Business model development
Trends & Zukunftsszenarien

Innovation Garage

With a broad method toolbox and a wealth of experience from previous ventures and tech start-ups, we support the agile and user-centered product and service development.

Products & Experiences

We support you develop products and services with customer value in focus.

Service & Product Development

Application of technologies

User Research & User Tests

Support by Product Owner

Use Case Development

Market Strategy


Methods are not the solution but tools to successfully deal with challenges. As experts in Design Thinking, Scrum, Agile, OKR and Lean Start-up, we interconnect these with classical methods for a practical application.

Working Methods & Procedures

We empower employees through method training.


Agile project management

Interconnection of agile methods


Design Thinking

Lean Startup